Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design

Friday, June 30, 2017 at 7:48 AM

High arched eyebrows pair very well with the much sharper Western facial features. They, however do not match as well with Asian features, giving a 'surprise' expression. 
The words of "EYE" and "BROW" = EYEBROW, thus an appropriate shape and design of a pair of brows will highlight the beauty and energy of one's eyes. 
This picture proofs just that; the shape was redesigned, and Florence Wong Image's artist added hair strokes for more luscious brows.

Elegant Painless Eyeliner Embroidery

Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 8:35 AM

Lash line enhancement.

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery & Painless Eyeliner Embroidery

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 8:15 AM

We had to conceal the previous salmon-coloured brows shape. We also had to take into consideration the imbalance position of her left and right cheeks. 
We drew her begin brows closer which immediately highlighted her nose feature. Then embroidered our Elegant Painless Eyeliner to enhance her lash lines. 
She now looks much more alert and fresh.

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design + Hair Stroke Design

Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 7:40 AM

Most of us face the incomplete eyebrows condition with uneven eyebrow hair growth. 
This client's brow hair concentrated only on the begin brows without proper tail finishing at end brows. 
Our master artist designed a beautiful pair of brows for her, with natural hair strokes tapering off nicely at the end brow for a perfect and complete look. 

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design

Monday, June 26, 2017 at 9:48 AM

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Imbalance Eyebrow

Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 9:44 AM

She came to Florence Wong Image with previously tattooed eyebrows, which were in two different colour remnants. 
She also faced the high-low brow shapes issue due to her active brow muscles; her right brow shape would be more arched and higher than usual with particular expressions. 
Balancing well her features with natural-looking embroidered brows was the main aim of our master brow artist. The transformation included lowering her right brow while increasing marginally the left one. Suitable rounded arch brow shapes were designed to frame her face shape and balance symmetrically her features naturally. 
Our master artist thanks you for being so generous with your kind compliments and thank you for allowing us to use your full face photo. 

Thank You ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, June 23, 2017 at 6:29 PM

A nice lovely token of appreciation by my student from Surabaya, Indonesia. One of the most delicious cake ever tasted!!! 😍 
And TWG Tea by my student from Singapore. Perfect match😍😍😍
Thank you both of you ~ 😘

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Hair Stroke Design on empty Brow Shape

at 1:51 PM

Our consultation with her was intensive and comprehensive; we advised her on the multiple rectifications that were required to make her look good again. 
Our master artist redesigned her brow shapes, filled them up with natural hair strokes, lowered and angled them to suitably fit her eyes and nose features, and hid the previous marks. 
A tough challenge for our artist but a thoroughly satisfying task as our client was full of praises and gratitude for the team. 
对于绣眉师来说,这是一个难得的挑战。当客户对此改变表示满意、赞赏和感谢时,也就是给我们最大的 鼓励。谢谢😘

Florence Wong Image @ Kuantan

Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 5:51 PM

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Hair Stroke Design

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 4:46 PM

A quite standard situation for most clients - sparse hair growth and without proper brow shape. 
See the marked difference after our master artist designed the brow shape and added natural hair strokes. 
这是一般顾客所面对的 - 稀疏的毛发生长和无尾无型、又或眉尾向下长。

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Hair Stroke Design

Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 5:14 PM

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design for High-Low Brow

Monday, June 19, 2017 at 9:49 PM

She has had the non-aligned high-low eyebrows issue for years due to her over-active brow muscles and brow bone structure. However she was fearful of having her eyebrows embroidered until her visit to Florence Wong Image. 
Through an elaborate process of continuous consultations and brow designs simulation to get the right design that suits and balances her facial features naturally, our master embroidery artist gained her confidence. 
Thank you for putting your trust in us. 

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery 1:1 Course in Kuantan

Sunday, June 18, 2017 at 7:11 PM

Florence Wong Image in Kuantan

Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 9:48 PM

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design

Friday, June 16, 2017 at 10:25 PM

When the eyebrows match the face ... Isn't it amazing how a pair of suitably-enhanced eyebrows can brighten and lift your lethargic appearance? This picture proofs properly-designed eyebrows will enhance facial features, making them visually more sharp and energetic. So do consider how important your eyebrows shape and design can affect your appearance!

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Review

Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 4:57 PM

Thank you for your words😊😘

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Hair Stroke Design

at 9:30 AM

Closer begin brow and sharpened brow shape with hair stroke design. 

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 9:30 AM

A client from Japan, Tomoko Okuda san. Doesn't resemble Teresa Teng, a very famous singer in Asia in the 80s? 😍
Thank you for your support Tomoko san. We are really proud as you are our first client from Japan 😊
Again... Thanks for choosing us as your first choice brow artist. 😘

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Men Eyebrow

Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 9:30 AM

Droopy eyebrows, a quite usual feature among my clients.
Our artist lifted the brows, and tweaked it more sharp and angular for a fresh energetic appearance.
If there is some small acne on or within the brows hair area, we will normally advise clients to wait for the acne to heal before embroidering.
In this case, the acne spots were outside the brow shape area and the embroidery process went super well.

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Features Enchanted

Monday, June 12, 2017 at 9:30 AM

For the past many years, her daily routine has been to draw her eyebrows to complete her pretty fair-skinned looks as she feels naked without them.
Though only a small visual posted here of her post-Elegant 3D Embroidery process, it is obvious her features stood out more three-dimensional, highlighting her Asian features well which normally are not as sharp as the Westerners in comparison. This shows the great extent a well and suitably-designed pair of eyebrows can do to enhance overall good looks.

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Sparse Brow

Friday, June 9, 2017 at 8:24 PM

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Unique Eyebrow

Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 9:12 AM

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery is all about customising individually a pair of natural and suitable eyebrow design specifically for one client. Therefore, no two pairs of eyebrows are the same, as eyebrow design customisation takes into consideration a person's unique facial features, existing eyebrows shape, skin and brow hair tone, and even their lifestyle and career occupation. 
To remember that, we must not follow the herd; a pair of beautiful natural eyebrows are dedicated exclusively to one, and only one person. 

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery Course

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 10:02 PM

Congratulation 💪💪💪

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Healed Brow

Monday, June 5, 2017 at 11:11 PM

Left with only thin fine red-marked lines as her brows, it was very timely that she seeked out Florence Wong Image to design a suitable pair of eyebrows. Left with patchy hair growth at the small parts of her begin brows, our embroidery artist focused on redefining her eyebrows for a natural finish, which in turn naturalised her facial appearance. Do have a look at the 1 month post-embroidery process photo, lovely pair of eyebrows were the results. Thank you for your kind compliments and liking our art.留下的淡红色细眉型,是时候从新设计合适的线条眉型了。

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Men Brow Design

Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 10:07 PM

Men's Eyebrow Design.
He had his eyebrows embroidered with two different artists, and the results were far from satisfactory. He disliked his short eyebrow shape, especially the right brow. Here's how Florence Wong Image applied Elegant 3D Eyebrow Embroidery on him:
- both sides of the begin brows were too apart, so we aligned them closer with our delicate strokes 
-the upper and lower begin brows were given more bold stroke highlights
-the end eyebrows were raised lightly
Only a slight enhancement to the brows shape and hair density, but a noticeable and natural transformation with his appearance - revitalised, more alert and fresher! 
之前给两位不同的绣眉师设计过... 他烦躁着眉型太短,尤其是右边眉型。

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Design

Friday, June 2, 2017 at 11:23 PM

She's virgin😄😄(first time in eyebrow embroidery.

Barbie Doll Lash-Perm & Powder Eyeliner

Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:14 PM

She underwent our Elegant Painless Eyeliner Embroidery a month ago, and was very happy with the natural-looking results. 
Today she returned to have the artist enhance her lash lines further - the Barbie doll lash-perm. She looks so pretty after these two visits to Florence Wong Image!