
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 12:23 PM
Today is end of March, and I believe the Apr will definitely be a good month for all of us. A start of a new chapter. Tomorrow is April Fool, many would prank their family members and friends. That s alright afterall we need something to cheer us up BUT please DO NOT spread bad joke, fake news or something untrue about COVID-19. People life s at stake, be responsible 😊. 今天是三月的最后一天了,相信四月开始会是我们充满希望的好月份。 明天 愚人节,相信很多人会对家人或朋友搞恶作剧...。是没事的,毕竟我们也需要一些欢乐来让自己振作起来,但是请不要随意散播坏笑话、假新闻或有关COVID-19的虚假消息。 人命攸关,要负责的哟!😊。

Be Positive 💪🏻💪🏼

Monday, March 30, 2020 at 11:52 AM
Due to the seriousness of the virus and disobedient of some minor part of the Rakyat, the imposition of the Movement Control Order is getting stricter and stricter. Instead of letting the negative energy slips into us why don’t we take this opportunity to strengthen our mind by self reflect, meditate, read books and even cultivate new hobby at home? It is a black days for the world but lets make it a Colorful Black!! 由于疫情日渐严重及小部分人民的不配合,因此行动管制令加倍严格。 在这期间我们不妨多自我进修、阅读,甚至在家培养新的兴趣来增强自己的思维,而不让负面的能量流进我们体内。 虽然这场疫情对全球来说是个黑色的日子,但我们也可以把它变成一个七彩的黑色噢!

I ❤️ You 💞💞

Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 9:00 AM
They are still inquiry on if I provide the brow embroidery service at home or by out-call. Under the Movement Control Order, we do not provide such service. At this moment of hardship it is the responsibility of the nation as a whole to practice social distancing. 14 April, and we are half way getting the Order lifted, it is just another two more weeks. so, let the soil of Malaysia have another two more weeks of break and we will be okay😉 任然还是有人问 是否可以“上门服务”或“登门拜访”提供眉的服务。 很抱歉,依据行动管制令,我们必须遵守。 在当前的非常时期,实行社会隔离是全国人民的责任。 4月14日,我们已经走到一半了……,让马来西亚、我们的家园再休息两周多吧!相信明天会更好!加油💪🏼

Exercise, read more Books....

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 7:26 AM
Covid19 virus is a dangerous virus. It is now not just affecting Malaysia but the world. Safety precautious measure, hygienic and health issues are placed at the top priority at the moment but we have to prepare this period of hardship psychologically too. Think POSITIVE, exercise more at home and read more books are few of the great examples of getting it prepared! Malaysia.... No, The Whole World be strong, you can do it!!!


Monday, March 23, 2020 at 7:36 AM
🌻𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘☼🌥☀⛅☼🌤 During the Movement Restriction Order period, please don’t forget to exercise. For a start I show you a simple workout video. Come lets do it ! 😜 疫情期间 在家也要做运动 给大家一个简单的室内健美操教学视频 照做即可😜

Stay at HOME!!!

Friday, March 20, 2020 at 3:47 PM

Special Announcement

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 5:45 PM

Elegant 3D Brow Microblading ~ Painless

Monday, March 16, 2020 at 7:00 AM
She naturally already has beautiful brow hair, but was not full or dense enough. She has been considering brow embroidery for a couple years but fear of the painful process held her back; her previous painful acne experience has terrified her. But,.. She wanted to try.. She was relaxed, happily chatting throughout the whole process, even almost felt sleep. She did not experienced any pain at all! Existing brow hair + Hair stroke designs = Natural results. 她拥有自己漂亮的眉毛,只是不够浓密。 考虑了很久,要不要去绣眉?怕疼!挤暗疮都不能耐了…… 最终还是试试吧! 不疼,全程可以一边绣一边聊,也想睡了...也这样很快就完成了。 眉毛+线条设计=自然效果。

Healed Microblading Eyebrow

Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 7:00 AM

Painless Eyeliner Embroidery ~ Lashliner + Waterliner Enhancement

Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:00 AM

Elegant 3D Brow Microblading ~ Q&A

Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 8:00 AM
Q: How long does Elegant 3D Brow Microblading last?   A: This varies by client. If you follow the embroidery after-care practice diligently, the new eyebrows will last about 12-18 months.  There are some customers whose brows last even longer.  Factors that will contribute to fast-fading of brows include scrubs, whitening products, laser pigment treatments, chemical exfoliations and oily skin base. If you like the eyebrow colour and shape, you can touch-up on the colour once a year to ensure the eyebrow lasts longer. So adhere to our professional advice, and you will have long lasting brows! 问:3D立体自然线条眉能耐多久??????? 答: 这因人而异。 如果认真遵守绣后护理条例,新眉毛将可耐约12-18个月。 而有些顾客甚至可耐更长的时间。 随之某些因素,例如磨砂、美白淡斑产品、镭射淡斑、化学性脱角质、油性皮肤等也会导致眉色不耐。 若是您喜欢其眉色与眉型,您也可以在大约一年时间补色一次以让眉色持久。

BarbieDoll Eyelashes Lifting

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 7:30 AM

Beauty of Eyebrow

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7:00 AM
A woman's beauty DEFINITELY doesn't have to rely on heavy makeup. Beautifully natural all the way! 女人的美丽不一定要靠浓妆艳抹......

Healed Painless Eyeliner Embroidery after 2 years++

Monday, March 9, 2020 at 8:00 AM

Happy Women’s Day

Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 7:59 AM

Painless Eyeliner Embroidery ~ Lashliner+Waterliner Enhancement

Saturday, March 7, 2020 at 7:00 AM

Eyebrow Q & A

Friday, March 6, 2020 at 8:00 AM
Q: I like the eyebrow shape, but isn't it too thick?   A: That's just the frame/outline of the eyebrow design during the initial designing stage. The eyebrow artist will then design the hairstrokes inside the frame. The result after completion will definitely be natural with just the right thickness suitable for your face. Call Florence Wong Image for a free consultation to ease your worry.  问:眉型我喜欢,但是会不会太粗了? 答:那只是眉型设计的外框。绣眉师在进行线条设计是在外框内,所以完成后的效果必是自然及粗度恰恰好😊

Healed Hair Stroke Eyebrow

Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 8:00 AM

Eyebrow Microblading for Droopy Brow

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 7:00 AM
Droopy eyebrow shape?  More often than not, this shape is caused by muscles movement, aging and expressions that contort the brows. Wish to understand more on this droopy brow issue? Come over for coffee and we can have a chat. “倒”眉型?未必生成!很大部分都是因肌肉、年龄的增长、表情而导致...

Eyebrow Problem.......

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 7:00 AM
Are you facing these eyebrows problems? -Eyebrows hair falling off, -Droopy eyebrows, -Scars, Gap eyebrows, -Imperfect eyebrows shape, -Sparse eyebrows, -Too fine & light eyebrows hair, -Bare end brows, -Alopecia issues, -Undesirable eyebrow colours, and the many other problems that most of us face. Do please take note that these eyebrow problems can be solved. Florence Wong Image has the right professional masters to attend to you. Give us a call now for a free consultation.  你是不是也有以下眉毛的困扰? - 眉毛脱落、 - 下垂眉型、 - 断、缺眉、 - 不完美眉型、 - 眉毛疏散、 - 眉毛偏淡、 - 有眉头、缺眉尾、 - 脱发症状、 - 眉毛空洞、 - 不雅观眉色...... 让我们为你解决“眉”之急吧!

BarbieDoll Eyelashes Lifting

Monday, March 2, 2020 at 7:00 AM