Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Eyebrow Design

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 3:04 PM

#elegant3dbrowembroidery ~ Florence Wong Image is a professional expert in designing natural eyebrows and eyeliner to match with individual face features. Therefore, when without makeup one will look absolutely natural. However, if you sometimes want to follow the beauty trend for a different image, e.g. the Korean thick and long brow look, all you need to do is just touch-up the original shape with your brow pencil accordingly. The powder foundation will cover the original color for your temporary touched-up brows. You may also lengthen the eyeliner by elongating and extending from the original one. On required occasions, only light touch-ups on natural shapes of brows and eye line are needed as our designs are styled to complement naturally the facial features.
Thank you that you agreed to have us share your full face picture.
Florence Wong image为你设计的是专属妳本身的自然眉型与自然眼线。就是在妳不上妆时看到自然,当妳美妆后妳要跟流行趋势化个韩眉、粗“一”字眉、长眉等都由妳去变化,来个不同的形象跟换。若不就跟着原有眉型加补深一些的颜色,因为妆后的粉底、蜜粉会遮盖了原有的眉色。而眼线在妆后可随意拉长眼尾线。


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