Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Obvious High-Low Brow Healed Result

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 7:30 AM

For sure one of the most challenging tasks we at Florence Wong Image have encountered to date.
This client had obvious high-low positioned brows due to over-active brow muscles. Our master artist therefore had to coordinate the design of the brows to achieve a more proper balance. The gaps between the brows and the eyes were also taken into consideration when applying the Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery hair strokes.
There were also additional challenges to overcome with the existence of shadow marks after the laser removal process of the previous design. The remnant hair roots and sunken brow muscle darkened further the shadowy area. The task of masking these dark shadowy marks can only be effectively managed after the Elegant 3D brow embroidery.
Definitely a tough task this one, but it is challenges as such that will spur us to improve our skills to service you better!
提高或拉低眉型为达到均衡..... 比的是尽量达到眉上框的平衡,非眉与眼的距离噢!


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