Elegant 3D Brow Microblading ~ How Long Can Last??

Friday, February 15, 2019 at 8:00 AM

We are answering your frequently asked questions here! 

Q: How long can Elegant 3D Hairstroke Brow last?  

A: This depends on the individual’s skin condition and facial/aesthetics treatments and products used for beauty maintenance. Some clients’ embroidered brows can last up to 3 years, while others will see their brows start fading after less than a year. The reason(s) may be one or some of the following if the colours fade within less than a year; oily skin, use of peeling, whitening or exfoliating products, facial laser  treatments, chemical peel treatments, and other facial aesthetics beauty treatments. It is advisable for client to revisit your master artist after 9 months or a year to maintain the brows shape and colour. Have a question in your mind? Do feel free to call us. 






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