Feeling honoured being recognised as one of the “Successful People in Malaysia” by British Publishing House Ltd.
Had not even dreamt of being selected even after 20 over years in this field, as I have always felt that I am so small and have contributed so little to the world. This recognition really mean a lot to my life. Best New Year gift, ever!! 🎁
Last but not least I would like to thank my family, friends and clients for their unconditional support to my passion. Without them I won’t be who I am today.🙏🫶🏻🥰🥰
深心感到非常榮幸被 “英国出版社” 評选为「马来西亚成功人士」 成员之一。并把我的心路历程收录在马来西亚成功人士英国百科全书内。
确实,我这么渺小….. 打从心底,从未想过會被列入其中。
感恩家人、朋友們以及客戶們一路來的支持。因为你们才有今天的我🙏🫶🏻🥰 🥰
*多年以后,我的孩子、孙子、孙子的孙子.. 都可在各大图书馆看到这本书😝😂🤣